

型 號: IP8151
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百萬像素 H.264超靈敏低光


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夜間高辨識度 130萬畫素 固定式網路攝影機 IP8151

VIVOTEK IP8151 is a professional-series fixed network camera featuring 1.3-megapixel resolution with superb megapixel image quality. Equipped with SONY's latest sensor technology "ExMor", the IP8151 captures both exceptional details during daytime and offers unparalleled visibility under low-light conditions.

The IP8151 camera supports the industry-standard H.264 compression technology, drastically reducing file sizes and conserving valuable network bandwidth. With MPEG-4 and MJPEG compatibility also included, video streams can also be transmitted in any of these formats for versatile applications.

The IP8151 camera is the best choice for the most demanding monitoring applications. With the ability to provide smooth and sharp video, plus high sensitivity in low light conditions, the IP8151 camera can secure a variety of applications such as traffic monitoring, retail stores, education campuses, and much more. Embedded with VIVOTEK's latest network technology, it also provides great flexibility for large scale projects such as banks, casinos, and ports.


  • 130 萬畫數CMOS感光元件
  • 夜間高辨識度
  • 1280x1024 全幅解析度可達每秒30幅影格
  • 可切換式紅外線濾光片,日夜皆可使用
  • H.264、MPEG-4和MJPEG多模引擎壓縮技術(Triple Codec)
  • 可同時傳送多模影音串流(Multiple Streams)
  • 提高傳輸效率的ePTZ功能
  • 動態調整頻寬的適應性影音串流功能
  • 偵測因閉塞、轉向或噴漆所致的破壞
  • 內建SD/SDHC記憶卡插槽,可使用記憶卡儲存檔案
  • 支援802.3af乙太網路供電系統(PoE)
  • 方便替換鏡頭的C/CS型鏡頭調整環
  • 符合 ONVIF 標準

1. 上門設定是包括有:網絡攝像機(IP Camera)和寬頻分享器之接駁 (包 6 呎以下電腦 CAT5 線) 連 IP 及 Port 位設定,免費動態網址(DDNS)之申請,測試網絡攝像機於內聯網 ( Intarnet ) 及互聯網 ( Internet ) 之運作是否正常,一部指定類別手提裝置監控設定協助。無線寬頻分享器之上網連接及無線設定連測試 (如一併購買)。
2. 上述之售價並不包括:錄影軟件之安裝,電腦維修及檢查,放線(釘線), 上鏍絲, 鑽牆, 掛機等工程項目;如果有需要掛機,請事前通知及先行報價後才可安排服務。
3. 上門基本安裝服務之地區:除了離島、機場或下車後步行時間多於15分鐘之路程外 (需另加HK$100-HK$200附加收費);其他地區也可以,詳情請致電 3170 7019查詢。
4. 上門設定服務時間為:星期一至星期五,上午10:00至下午7:00,星期六至下午4:00,星期日及公眾假期休息。
5. 上門服務為一次過性質之服務,如有需要再次上門,收費為HK$350 (離島、機場或下車後步行時間多於15分鐘之路程除外)。