
LevelOne 2百萬像素1080p全高清光學變焦IP Mini Dome Camera[FCS-4202/FCS-4201]

LevelOne 2百萬像素1080p全高清光學變焦IP Mini Dome Camera[FCS-4202/FCS-4201]
型 號: SKU-12379
購買數量: 加入購物車

KNS Shop 購物價惠: 
** 部份地區免費送貨
** 電話技術支援安裝
** 保證原庄跟機配件
** 提供七天售後保障 (只限非人為損壞) 

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並享有原廠保用服務 (條款以代理商提供為準) 

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*所有地區加$380包基本安裝服務, 第2支起加$300

請即致電 3170 7019 或電郵至 info@knshk.com 查詢及訂購。



Order Information

Key Features



2-Megapixel (1920 x 1080) high-definition resolution
 Compression: H.264/MPEG-4/MJPEG
 Built-in infrared LEDs for night viewing up to 20m
 Features WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) to enhance visibility under extremely bright or dark environments
 Free video surveillance and CMS (Central Management System) software with 64-channel license
 Removable IR-cut filter for day and night surveillance
 Supports 2 video streams simultaneously
 Supports 3x optical zoom
 Vandal-proof IK08-rated housing



2-Megapixel (1920 x 1080) high-definition resolution
 Compression: H.264/MPEG-4/MJPEG
 Built-in infrared LEDs for night viewing up to 20m
 Features WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) to enhance visibility under extremely bright or dark environments
 Free video surveillance and CMS (Central Management System) software with 64-channel license
 Removable IR-cut filter for day and night surveillance
 Supports 2 video streams simultaneously
 Supports 3x optical zoom
