
Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0

Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0
型 號: IntelliMouse
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1) Optical Tracking Performance
Legendary accuracy delivered from an optical engine that produces 9000 Frames per Second, Maximum Speed of 54+ Inches per Second, and Maximum Acceleration of 25Gs combined with Microsoft's Intelligent Tracking System with a centered optical port.

2) Ergonomic Design
Button placement for improved sensitivity and soft touch materials for a sure grip.

3) Five Customizable Buttons
Get quick access to the media, programs, and files you use most often.

4) Scroll Wheel with Detents
A specially designed scroll wheel with detents enables more accurate scrolling through documents, spreadsheets, or video games.

5) Improved Slick Feet
For smooth movements across a variety of surfaces.

Device Stage
Quickly and easily access common tasks, including product information, registration, settings, and more for popular devices such as cell phones, cameras, printers, and mouse, keyboard, and webcam products.

Centered Optical Port
For enhanced targeting and accuracy.

Flexible Cord
The thin, flexible cord was designed to provide the sensation of wireless with all the performance of a wire.

Gaming Toggle
With the push of a button you can switch between your favorite weapons or actions - it's easy to quickly change settings while playing.

Precision Booster
Switch between default speed and precision mode for enhanced control.1

Intelligent Tracking System
Enjoy smoother tracking over a greater variety of surfaces with the Microsoft Intelligent Tracking System.

Three-Year Limited Warranty