
GIGABYTE GK-KM7580 - Black

GIGABYTE GK-KM7580 - Black
型 號: GK-KM7580
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產品特色 2.4GHz Wireless
傳送頻率 Up to 5 meters
接收器 Plug & play nano transceiver
按鍵使用壽命 Keyboard: 1 meters times
Mouse: 5 meters times
電池型式 Keyboard: AAAx2
Mouse: AAAx2
產品尺寸 Keyboard: 425(L) x 155(W) x 25(H) mm
Mouse: 98(L) x 59(W) x 35(H) mm
產品重量 Keyboard: 518g
Mouse: 60g
系統支援 Windows 98/2000/ME/XP 32bit Vista/Win7 32/64bit